domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

description the person


He is Michael has twelve years. lives with his parents John and Claudia in the city of California. Princeton studies in school. michael has a green shirt and orange pants. michael wants to know about your nines. jhon father shows his son the pictures of michael nines from the time he was born and how happy they are with. jhon shows your child's achievements had at an through the nines for michael. jhon want your child to be better than him and have much more success. michael happy to know what your nines and wants her father gives her a hug on his father jhon ...

2 comentarios:

  1. dear student give me the option of follow this blog, go to plantilla and add a gadget: seguidores.

    thank you

    in the description include daily routines.

  2. what does this word mean: pronostieco
    dont use translator please.
    use more adjectives to describe each picture.
    correct the weather forecast. include more vocabulary.
